4 January 2016

I am grateful for time.  Yes, can you believe it?  The last couple of days I’ve said multiple times to my dear husband, “I wish I had one more week before going back to work.”  However, vacation time has past and it was back to work today.  These past two weeks have flown by; as they say “Time marches on.” So, what’s so good about time marching on? Why be grateful for time? I’ve actually spent a lot of time thinking about this.

Over the vacation break, we spent time with some of our nieces and nephews and I thought about what it was like to be their age, and how long ago that was.  I’m not sure that I’d want to be any of their ages (all were 15 and younger) again because I’d have to go through those tough teen and twenties again and to be honest, at this point, I’m not up for that. And, if I did hit the reset button I wonder if I would I end up where I am now?  I love my life too much to risk any possible changes that would happen along the way.

I’m not saying that I don’t wish for more time – more time to spend skiing or mountain biking with my husband, or more time hanging out with friends or family, or more time to cook that awesome meal, or more time to read, or go for a long hike, or more time to travel, etc.  I’d love to have more time for those special things that make my life worthwhile. I think that I’m starting to understand that time is precious, (yes it’s taken me this long), and I only have the time that I’ve been given – no more or no less – so why not be grateful for the time that I have. I guess this is ending up being another resolution of sorts.  I need to be more thoughtful of the time that I do have, and spend that time as wisely as I possibly can.

A have a dear friend that sat down one day and figured out how many more weekends he had with each of his daughters before they turned 18 and headed off to college.  There weren’t as many as he thought, it also put that time into perspective.  I know he appreciated those Saturdays and Sundays a lot more and was probably a little more thoughtful about how  those days were spent.DogWalking6

So in other words, I want to take and make the things I’m grateful for into action items, not just words to share in a blog, but things I can actively show my gratitude for.  I’m going to do my very best to make the most of the 361 days left in this year.

I am grateful for the new year and for the time it’s offering me.