29 February 2016

I am grateful for Leap Day.

Yes, Leap Day, the day that we humans take into account the actual amount of time- 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 16 seconds -that it takes our small planet Earth to travel around the star, we call the Sun.  Thus approximately every four years we “earn” this special day.  (FYI – years that can be divided by 400 don’t contain Leap Days, because the Gregorian calendar that we use repeats itself every 400 years)

Anyway, science and math aside, this is a special day because it reminds me of some special people in my life.  Now on one of these special Leap Days, thirty-two years ago or 7 Leap Years ago, I had the privilege of being a witness to marital vows between two special people.  (Should we call them Leap People? I don’t know.  I do know that they can ride bikes really, really fast. Does that count as Leaping?) Anyway,  I am very happy to report that they are still together, still happy, and still special.  Since then they added two sons to their family, became teachers, retired as teachers, pursued and are pursuing dreams, and have ridden their bikes many, many thousands of miles, plus accomplished a lot of other really cool stuff.

Scott and Sue were there for me during some of the most difficult times of my life and have been a part of some of the most wonderful times of my life.  The three of us were roommates and besties during college. They were always supportive and patient with me.  They have encouraged me and inspired me to be my best.   They are amazing athletes.  Someday when I grow up, I want to be as strong as my friend Sue.

We didn’t keep in touch as much as I imagined we would after I moved to California and then to Utah.  Life sometimes gets in the way.  Anyway, about two years ago, at an industry party in Monterey, Chip wanted me to meet someone within the bike industry who was also from Colorado, it was Scott (well he’s actually from New Jersey, but…).  Much to Chip’s surprise we certainly didn’t need to be introduced to each other.

In January, we had a grand reunion – an awesome lunch, great conversation, and Michael (their youngest son) finally got to put a name to the face of the “mystery woman” in the video he had recently made for his grandmother.  Definitely one of those very special days.  I hope that we continue to see each other more often.  These are special people that no matter how much time goes by, they are still my friends, dear special best friends that will always stay close to my heart.


I am grateful for my Leap Year friends, Scott and Sue.
