I am grateful for “Honey”…

More than 50 years ago, a woman gave birth to her first child.  It was about 4 in the afternoon on a spring day.  Her husband was at work, so it was her ob/gyn who helped coax her through labor and to give life to a healthy 7 pound baby girl.

Soon the child started to say her first words, one of which was “Honey.”  MomMeYou see, given that she was the first child, there really wasn’t anyone else calling this woman “Mommy”, the girl only heard her father refer to her mom as “Honey”, so what else would she call her but “Honey.”  My mom is a Honey.  She is loving, kind, caring, very sweet and gentle.

One of my favorite childhood memories of my mom, is her sitting with me and my siblings on the floor in the living room playing board games or “Old Maid.” I loved it when she would take time to be with us and simply just play with us.  She made us feel important.

My mom has and still is always there for me.  She has been there through many monumental moments in my lives along with all the other days in between. No matter what, and unfortunately there have been some “What?”s,  but she has always loved me unconditionally.  Always.

As a teacher, I have experienced first hand the spectrum of mothers.  kidsWinnieSome whom the term is sadly only used because the woman gave birth to the child and has offered not much more, to women who are very devoted to their families and do everything they can for their children.  MDAMeMy mom is on this side of the mother scale.  Her career has been that of a wife and a mother.  She has worked very hard at it and still does.  She had jobs outside of the house, but not starting until I was nearly out of high school.  However, we have always known that we came first in her life.  The same devotion continues and can be seen now with me, my sister, and my brother, her daughter-in-law, and son-in-law, as well as with her grandchildren.  There isn’t anything that she wouldn’t do for any of us.

I want my mom to know (hopefully she already knows) how much I love her and appreciate all that she has done for me, my siblings, our spouses,MeAnnDewayne my dad, and for her grandchildren.  My mom is a “Honey.”  Happy Mother’s Day Mom.

I am grateful for my mom…

29 February 2016

I am grateful for Leap Day.

Yes, Leap Day, the day that we humans take into account the actual amount of time- 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 16 seconds -that it takes our small planet Earth to travel around the star, we call the Sun.  Thus approximately every four years we “earn” this special day.  (FYI – years that can be divided by 400 don’t contain Leap Days, because the Gregorian calendar that we use repeats itself every 400 years)

Anyway, science and math aside, this is a special day because it reminds me of some special people in my life.  Now on one of these special Leap Days, thirty-two years ago or 7 Leap Years ago, I had the privilege of being a witness to marital vows between two special people.  (Should we call them Leap People? I don’t know.  I do know that they can ride bikes really, really fast. Does that count as Leaping?) Anyway,  I am very happy to report that they are still together, still happy, and still special.  Since then they added two sons to their family, became teachers, retired as teachers, pursued and are pursuing dreams, and have ridden their bikes many, many thousands of miles, plus accomplished a lot of other really cool stuff.

Scott and Sue were there for me during some of the most difficult times of my life and have been a part of some of the most wonderful times of my life.  The three of us were roommates and besties during college. They were always supportive and patient with me.  They have encouraged me and inspired me to be my best.   They are amazing athletes.  Someday when I grow up, I want to be as strong as my friend Sue.

We didn’t keep in touch as much as I imagined we would after I moved to California and then to Utah.  Life sometimes gets in the way.  Anyway, about two years ago, at an industry party in Monterey, Chip wanted me to meet someone within the bike industry who was also from Colorado, it was Scott (well he’s actually from New Jersey, but…).  Much to Chip’s surprise we certainly didn’t need to be introduced to each other.

In January, we had a grand reunion – an awesome lunch, great conversation, and Michael (their youngest son) finally got to put a name to the face of the “mystery woman” in the video he had recently made for his grandmother.  Definitely one of those very special days.  I hope that we continue to see each other more often.  These are special people that no matter how much time goes by, they are still my friends, dear special best friends that will always stay close to my heart.


I am grateful for my Leap Year friends, Scott and Sue.





15 February 2016

I am grateful for dates.

According to Wikipedia, dating started around the 1700s: “From about 1700 a worldwide movement perhaps described as the “empowerment of the individual” took hold, leading towards greater emancipation of women and equality of individuals. Men and women became more equal politically, financially, and socially in many nations. Women eventually won the right to vote in many countries and own property and receive equal treatment by the law, and these changes had profound impacts on the relationships between men and women. Parental influence declined. In many societies, individuals could decide—on their own—whether they should marry, whom they should marry, and when they should marry. A few centuries ago, dating was sometimes described as a “courtship ritual where young women entertained gentleman callers, usually in the home, under the watchful eye of a chaperone,”[8] but increasingly, in many Western countries, it became a self-initiated activity with two young people going out as a couple in public together.”  Interesting, yes?

Well, I’m not necessarily considered “young” any longer, that is unless you are talking to a  person, say over 80?  And I’m already married (YEAH!), but that doesn’t mean that my honey and I can’t go out together on a “self-initiated activity”.  Over the last week we’ve gone on quite a few self initiated activities or dates for short.  It’s been fun to say the least.  I hate to admit, it’s been a while since we’ve gone out together on a “date”. Work has definitely taken over most of the waking hours of our days, and we’ve been busy too with our calling in the YSA Ward at our church.  So dating, unfortunately has gone by the wayside a bit.

However, the dining, and movies, and dancing – yes dancing,

has been rejuvenating to our souls and to our relationship.  I highly recommend it, whether you are young or older, married or single – it’s definitely a good way to spend time with someone you like or in my case love with all my heart.

I am grateful for self-initiated activities! Let’s have more of them.

12 January 2016

I am grateful for my Grandma.

I only have known one of my grandmothers.  My maternal grandmother died before my parents were married.  She was only 44 years old.  I look forward to meeting her one day, and I’m grateful to know that I will be her granddaughter for all eternity.

My paternal grandmother died about 5 years ago.  She was 94 years old.  She was a very strong, determined, and amazing woman.  She had beautiful white hair (her hair colored changed by the time she was 30) and this incredibly smooth, silky skin which most likely is a result of her Swedish ancestry.  Although, she would say it was from her face cream that she used twice a day, everyday.  With my grandfather, she had 11 children.  Her life was a hard one, but she was a good woman. She was known for her intricate crocheting and sewing with both yarn and thread.  There are photo albums full of pictures of her work.  There are quilts, Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls, doll clothing, dollies, table clothes, various crafts, throws, and much more that are still being used by family, friends, and others; let alone all of the clothing that she mended to help support her family.

One of my favorite memories of her is sitting with her one day at her house, while she demonstrated for me different types of sewing stitches to use for various situations. She would show me a stitch, and I would practice it until she felt like I knew what I was doing, then she would go on to the next stitch.  We spent that entire day together.  Isn’t it wonderful that are healthy brains store these priceless memories for us, so that when we want or need to remember them, they are there for us.  That’s really something to be grateful for.

grandmaA cute, funny memory happened several years before she departed this world for the next.  I was visiting her and the television was on and a commercial was playing.  She stopped and said to me, ‘I don’t make it outside any more, do cars really drive like this now?’ referring to a Honda car spot that showed cars driving on only their front wheels (an ad touting their front wheel drive feature).  She was dead serious, so I just smiled and said ‘no.’   We then went on with our conversation.

I love my grandma so very much, today is her 99th birthday.  I wish I could give her a big hug and just spend the day talking and looking at pictures with her.  I miss you grandma.  Thank you for all you have done for me and the example you’ve been in my life.

You’re the best!

I am grateful for my dear, wonderful grandma.

11 January 2016

I am thankful for dinners out, especially really good ones with good company.

There’s nothing like coming home after a long day and not having to cook dinner. With that said, I have to admit that my husband and I often go out during the week to eat because we’re both too tired to cook, well especially the one who actually does the cooking at our house. Anyway, one of my husband’s clients invited us out tonight for a culinary treat. The Vegetable Cassoulet was wonderful. The company was entertaining. The timing was perfect. It was a very nice evening after a long day at work. In fact, it would have been a very nice evening out after a day of skiing too. (Inside joke) Thank you Keith and Byron!

I am grateful for a nice dinner out on a Monday night.

***As a follow up from my last post, I came in today to find a note from the sub that included, “I had to go to the bathroom so I left your first period class alone and told them to keep working and to behave themselves…” No one died or was injured but there are two students eating lunch in the classroom for the rest of the week.   I need to let the sub know that using the WC isn’t an option during a middle school class and telling twelve and thirteen year olds to “keep working and to behave” is a dare to do anything but. 😊

9 January 2016

I am grateful for going on a date.

I didn’t just go on just any date tonight; I went on a date with my very busy, and very tired husband.  He’s been working long hours this week representing several clients at a tradeshow, that happens to be in our city twice a year.  Being the incredibly kind man that he is, he took the time out of his busy schedule to go to a talk given by a local potter and author.  My husband could have easily just said, 2016-01-09 20-29-57 -0700‘I’m too tired tonight honey,’ but instead he raced home in time to wolf down some leftovers, in under ten minutes, and take us out.  I love this man more than I will ever express in this blog.  I hope he knows and feels just how much I appreciate having him for my eternal companion.  He really is the BEST!

Thanks for the date, sweet pea.

I am grateful for getting to go on a date with my husband.

4 January 2016

I am grateful for time.  Yes, can you believe it?  The last couple of days I’ve said multiple times to my dear husband, “I wish I had one more week before going back to work.”  However, vacation time has past and it was back to work today.  These past two weeks have flown by; as they say “Time marches on.” So, what’s so good about time marching on? Why be grateful for time? I’ve actually spent a lot of time thinking about this.

Over the vacation break, we spent time with some of our nieces and nephews and I thought about what it was like to be their age, and how long ago that was.  I’m not sure that I’d want to be any of their ages (all were 15 and younger) again because I’d have to go through those tough teen and twenties again and to be honest, at this point, I’m not up for that. And, if I did hit the reset button I wonder if I would I end up where I am now?  I love my life too much to risk any possible changes that would happen along the way.

I’m not saying that I don’t wish for more time – more time to spend skiing or mountain biking with my husband, or more time hanging out with friends or family, or more time to cook that awesome meal, or more time to read, or go for a long hike, or more time to travel, etc.  I’d love to have more time for those special things that make my life worthwhile. I think that I’m starting to understand that time is precious, (yes it’s taken me this long), and I only have the time that I’ve been given – no more or no less – so why not be grateful for the time that I have. I guess this is ending up being another resolution of sorts.  I need to be more thoughtful of the time that I do have, and spend that time as wisely as I possibly can.

A have a dear friend that sat down one day and figured out how many more weekends he had with each of his daughters before they turned 18 and headed off to college.  There weren’t as many as he thought, it also put that time into perspective.  I know he appreciated those Saturdays and Sundays a lot more and was probably a little more thoughtful about how  those days were spent.DogWalking6

So in other words, I want to take and make the things I’m grateful for into action items, not just words to share in a blog, but things I can actively show my gratitude for.  I’m going to do my very best to make the most of the 361 days left in this year.

I am grateful for the new year and for the time it’s offering me.



1 January 2016

The LaVoys and Mr. Smith

Since this is where I started my life, some years ago, this is where I thought I would start this new year of gratitude.  This is my family – my parents, sister, sister’s dog, nephew, brother, sister-in-law, nieces, and husband.  These people mean the world to me.  I don’t see my family -minus my husband – very often. However, every day, yes truly every day,  I spend time thinking of, hoping for, and praying for each one of them.   Each one has taught me things that have shaped who I am.  We have shared special events in each other’s lives, both good and not so good, and we will continue to be there for each other regardless…

Families are such a huge part of who we are and what we hope to be. I believe families truly are the foundation of everything; where would any of us be without our families. For good and for bad our families or in some cases, lack there of, form us. I feel lucky in that, even though our family is far from perfect, we are still a family.  My parents have been married for over 55 years, through thick and thin, good and bad, they still stick together.  They have taught me about God, about how to work hard, and in general how to strive to be a good person.  My sister has taught me about compassion.  She is passionate about caring.  My brother and his wife gave me an amazing opportunity to be a part of bringing home their eldest daughter from China.  An experience that I will cherish in my heart for ever. There are no words to share how I feel about my nephew and my nieces.  I love them dearly.  They are incredible people in their own right. I love to watch as their interests and personalities develop and they grow and learn and live their lives.

This leaves the man standing next to me in the photo, my husband; my very dear and loving husband.  He has helped me become a much better person than I would have on my own.  We complement each other’s personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. I love our life, it’s not perfect, but it’s really good.  Together we have created our own family with two dogs and an “exchange son.”  Yes, it’s not the family we had dreamed and hoped for but it’s our family and we feel blessed.

I am grateful for … being a LaVoy and now for being a Smith.